The creation of Temperature

Is Temperature Created?

Temperature is the measurement of how cold or hot something is compared to baselines; those baselines are usually the freezing points and boiling points of water. Temperature is usually used to measure the heat present such as water, solid, soil, people and in meteorology it measures the heat content of the atmosphere. The instrument that measures the temperature of an object is a thermometer. A Greek physician and scientist, Galen had the first attempt to create a thermometer.

The information that you may found would describe in details the founding of the thermometer and how the different measuring degrees Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit which are used to measure temperature. Even though Celsius and Kelvin have the same magnitude, the baseline of these scales are different. 1

The inventions that were created were the thermometers to be able to enumerate the values received from the scientists. But, the values themselves weren’t invented, they were gathered. A change in temperature is an increase or a decrease is perfectly natural. Volcano eruptions, changes in seasons, snow are all natural ways to change temperatures. Changes in temperature are naturally occurring in nature, humans have just found a way to put those in a scale. We haven’t invented temperature itself, we’ve discovered it and created (invented) the tools necessary to be able to understand our discovery.

1. Zimmermann, Kim Ann. “Temperature: Facts, History & Definition.” LiveScience, Purch, 20 Sept. 2013,


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