Recycling Energy Effective?

Recycling Energy Effective?

Is recycling really effective or worth it? We have been told that one of the best way to preserve our planet “green” is by the mean of recycling, but is it really true ? We need to define what’s recycling first Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions.”1 Now we need to determine if it’s true that recycling energy is an advantage.

Energy recycling

Energy recycling would be the process of reusing energy use to make materials instead of making the same materials with a new source of energy. This alone save a lot of energy because the process of extracting the source of energy then, transportation of the energy and finally the refinement of the energy will be eliminated if we reuse energy. It’s not only from an economic point of view we see the advantages but also less energy would be used throughout the process from the extraction to the refinement.  For example, aluminium known as the most efficient recycling material, 20 recycled cans of aluminum equals to same amount of energy needed to make a brand new can.2 We can reuse aluminum indefinitely due to the fact that aluminum never degrades itself.2

Why recycle

When using less energy we conserve more of the natural resources and reduce the pollution as energy is use longer. Energy releases a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the air that is harmful to our environment and climate. Also, energy recycling helps saving more money as individual can decide to recycle to cut down its expenses.3


2“Recycling: An Energy-Saving Short-Cut” September 12, 2016 , By The SOE Team

3”How Does Recycling Save Energy?” by GREENTUMBLE, September 10, 2018,


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