What is science? What is Pseudoscience?

What is science? What is Pseudoscience?

What is Science ?

This is a  very interesting question, a mind blowing question actually. 
When you actually sit down and think about it, this question is very vague, 
there is no one answer to this question, there is no one authority or grand 
institution that decides what science is. Science is such a wide enterprise 
with so much going on that coining a definition to it is a source of problem. 
There is so much going on in science that coining a definition for this word 
may just raise more questions. There are various different definitions on the 
internet, and most of them rotate around the same ideology, that science 
has to do with research, gaining knowledge, analyzing, understanding the 
natural world and things like that.

Where as, for pseudoscience, there are also different definitions, but not as wide as that of science. The definition of pseudoscience I found most appropriate is Pseudoscience is a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. In some books and websites, pseudoscience is referred to as non-science that looks a lot like science, which is kind of insulting and abusive. Many people have refused to believe in the notion of pseudoscience, but I think we should look at pseudoscience more in depth, and we might actually find some interesting concepts.


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