Modern flat Earth societies- Pseudoscience

Modern flat Earth societies

Started in the middle of the 20th century, the Modern flat Earth societies is a group of individuals 

who promote the idea that earth is flat rather than a sphere.  The idea of a flat earth originated
from the English writer Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884), he based on the conclusions that come from the Bedford Level experiment.  The Bedford Level experiment is a series of observations carried out along 9.7 km in a river. The purpose was to measure the curvature of the Earth.  Rowbotham found that there was no curve, so he claimed that the Earth is flat.  He then published a book 'Earth Not a Globe', proposing the Earth is flat disc centered.  

Image result for Bedford Level

Today, with the increasing use of social media, this idea has been increasingly spread.  More and more individuals believe that earth is flat and that all those satellite pictures are fake.  In 1956 a satellite image showed Earth as a sphere was shown to members of the International Flat Earth Research Society, they only said: "It's easy to see how a photograph like that could fool the untrained eye".

It is hard to believe that the sun and the moon are shaped like a sphere, but that earth is not.

Today, people are still debating whether the earth is flat or not.  Most people believe the earth is not flat, like when Galileo proved the sun doesn't orbit around the earth, it was a hard time for those who believed to change their mind.  Today most people don't trust the government or space companies such as NASA or SpaceX, this is certainly causing individuals to not believe that the Earth is a sphere as it was told.  

Here are some flat earth memes that can be found on the internet

Image result for flat earth trollImage result for flat earth trollImage result for flat earth troll


Dure, Flat-Earthers are back: 'It’s almost like the beginning of a new religion', The Guardian, Jan 20, 2016, Flat-Earthers are back: 'It’s almost like the beginning of a new religion'

Steven, "What the Flat-Earth Movement Tells Us", Neurologicablog, May 03,2018,  What the Flat-Earth Movement Tells Us


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