Industrial Revolution and its effect on Climate Change

Industrialization is the process of transforming the human society socially, economically into an industrial society. This process involves vast economic and social changes such as urbanization,increased technical and advanced education and the increase in the middle class group. Industrialization is the extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing;which has always involved large use of energy and alteration of natural systems. Although industrialization is the key to wealth and better living, it affects the environment and leads climate change because the main goals of industrialization are to improved food production, improved infrastructures and increase tourism opportunities. (1)

Climate change can be described as the continuous change in the weather patterns. It is  manifested through sea level rise, increase in temperature and increase in heat waves. One of its driver is global warming ( an average increase in temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface). The cause of climate change is an international debate because both natural and human events are believed to an increase in global temperature, even though both are the cause, humans are the primary culprit. (1)

(1) Natural factors of  Climate change
Human activities create greenhouse gases and they are the most significant driver of climate change. They are six main types of gases that create the greenhouse effect; CO2, N2O, CH4, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride.  Those greenhouse gases contribute to our global temperature by absorbing the heat energy rising from the Earth’s surface and re-emitting that heat onto the ground. (2)

(2) Explaining how does greenhouse gases work.

1) Mgbeneme, Chigbo A., and Chidozie C Nnaji. “Industrialization and Its Backlash: Focus on Climate Change and Its Consequences.” Enzymes Application in Diagnostic Prospects, Academic Journals Inc., USA,

2) “The Impact of Greenhouse Gases.” Mass Audubon,


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