Henry Moseley Contribution to chemistry and the periodic table

Henry Moseley
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Background information

Henry Moseley (23 of November 1883 - 10 August 1915) is an english physicist who contributed to many subject in the scientific world such as the periodic table, understanding of atoms, x-ray spectrometer, atomic number and many more. Moseley justified  his science works with the additions of laws and famously known for the empirical and chemical laws.

Contribution to the periodic table

The periodic table of Dmitri Mendeleev has been around for 44 years at the time Moseley started to study it. In 1913, after studying the periodic table of Mendeleev he then found something interesting about the arrangement of  the periodic table. He realized that the elements were arranged based on their atomic weight and chemical properties which was true and already known but what he found interesting was that the placement of an element predicted by the atomic weight did not always matched the one predicted by its chemical properties. So the elements ended up being placed based on their chemical properties more than their atomic weight. Moseley then re-arranged the elements by their atomic number instead of their atomic weight which were more accurate to match when using it with the chemical properties. What made many scientist questioned Mendeleev’s periodic table arrangement was solved by Moseley. What a great contribution to the periodic table!

Approach to his discovery

Moseley didn’t simply came up with the conclusion that elements should be arranged by their atomic number. In 1913 after long discussions with his partner Neil Bohr, Moseley and Bohr decided to test if Broek hypothesis used in Bohr atom model matched. Moseley observed and analyzed the lines x-ray spectrum of a lot of elements that were most of the time metals. He then found a relationship between the wavelength of the x-rays lines that were identify and the atomic number of the metals found by the anode target inside an x-ray tube. This later on was known as the Moseley’s Law. The law states that “The frequency of the spectra line in the characteristic x-ray spectrum is directly proportional to the square of the atomic number (Z) of the element concerned” We can say that Moseley used a deductive reasoning that lead him to an logical conclusion. Based on a hypothesis Moseley’s tested it and made made observations to then made a confirmation because Broek's hypothesis was just words and wasn't tied with any experiment to prove it. Something Moseley made happen.



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