Different types of solids

  Solids are known as the most ordered state of matter, all of the atoms or molecules in the solid are connected othether to form objects with firm and stable shapes.  A solid itself can not change volume, some solids like sponges can be squeeze, but that is only air that are coming out, the solid itself does not change size.

Different types of solids:

Crystalline Solid:

The molecules in a crystalline solid are arranged in a regular pattern, there are strong bonds between atoms and molecules. 
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Amorphous Solid:
Atoms and molecules are NOT arranged in a regular pattern.  They are more like those in a liquid.
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Different properties of solids

Solids may be strong or weak, hard or soft, and may return to their original shape or stay deformed after a force acting on it.  All depends on the molecules and atoms that makes up the solid.

Brittle: Brittle solids (ceramics) can have craks pass easily through it when exposed to stress (vibration, shock).  The atoms connot move to absorb the stress, so it deform and becomes less hard.

Ductile:  Ductile solids (elastic) changes shape when stretched.  When a solid changes shape permanently, is it called a plastic deformation.  A lot of metals are ductile due to the atoms allowing each other to slide over another.

Malleable: Malleable solids can deform when compressed but can also be ductile.  They can be flattened by rolling or hammening.  For example, tire are malleable, they can deform when compressed, and depending on the tire, they can also be stretched.

Citation (book):

Ribert Dinwiddie and Donald R. Franceschetti, 'How science works', United State,Wheeler, 2018, print.


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